Wireless Radiation – How To Protect Yourself And Your Kids
Technology has changed so much in our lifetimes. Our children are digital natives, growing up with access to the Internet, computers, cell phones and wireless devices from a very young age.
We can only guess at what they will see in their future in terms of new technology.
There are certainly benefits to innovative technology in terms of communication, lifesaving medical devices, productivity and more. However, it is not without its downsides.
You may be worried about our kids getting too much “screen time” in terms of socialization and development. You may also be concerned about the effects of social media exposure and bullying, and the addictive nature of smartphones and other devices.
Another consideration is the health impact of the radiation emitted by technological devices. This issue applies to all of us, but especially for children through development, who may be more susceptible to the downsides of technological advance.
Mounting data suggests cause for concern, yet governments have done little to protect us from wireless radiation.
The good news is that there is a lot that we can do on our own for our families when we are empowered with this knowledge.
Keep reading to learn more about:
- What wireless radiation is
- Health effects from wireless exposure
- Developmental risks affecting children
- Easy action steps you can take right away to protect your family
What Is Wireless Radiation?
Wireless radiation is radiofrequency radiation, or RFR, emitted from wireless devices. This is a specific type of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) in the category of non-ionizing radiation.
Devices that emit RFR include:
- laptops
- cell phones and towers
- tablets
- wireless routers
- microwave ovens
Most of the research in this area has looked at cell phones, so this article will largely focus on the impact of RFR from cell phones on human and developmental health.
Cell phones are currently used by 97 percent of American adults, with 85 percent of adults having a smartphone.
Most cell phone networks are in the 2G and 3G networks, which operate on frequencies of 700 to 2799 megahertz (MHz). The G in 2G stands for gigahertz (GHz) by the way. Newer 4G networks operate in this general range as well, although might span a little higher outside of this range.
The newest 5G networks operate in frequencies over 6000 MHz. These frequencies are known as millimeter waves. They don’t travel as far as the lower 2G, 3G and 4G wavelengths, which is why more towers are needed.
Home wi-fi routers typically operate at 2400 MHz (the same as 2.4 GHz).
Cell phones emit radiation when they transmit a signal outward, trying to connect to the cellphone network. The phone emits radiation while on and not being used. The radiation increases when connected to a phone call.
More radiation will be emitted when the signal is low, when using a lot of data or when you are moving with your phone (such as in a car) and the phone it is working to stay connected to the network.
In addition, some cell phone cases designed to protect your phone from breaking when dropped, may increase radiation levels as it must work harder to connect to a signal.
Possible Health Effects From Cellphone Radiation
Like many toxins that we discuss here on this site, studies on the health effects of wireless radiation are coming out after most Americans and virtually all communities are already using this technology.
Safety was not assessed prior to widespread manufacture, infrastructure and distribution.
The public has been told very little about the possible toxicity of the 5G millimeter waves on human tissues, yet 5G networks are already underway in many metro areas.
Most of the research on health effects of RHR is from epidemiological and animal studies, yet, when put all together we can’t ignore the health risks. Biological effects may occur at very low levels of exposure.
Health risks of wireless RFR exposures include:
- Harm to reproductive health and fertility for both males and females, including changes in hormone levels, increased oxidative stress, reduced sperm count and motility and reduced egg quality.
- Increased cancer risk, including brain, heart, adrenal and blood cell cancers. Increased levels of DNA damage have been observed.
A 2018 landmark federal study from the National Toxicology Program found “clear evidence” linking cellphone radiation to cancer.
This was an animal study in rats and mice that looked at longer-term effects than previous studies over the two-year study period. In this study, the animals were exposed to 2G and 3G radiation at levels comparable to average human exposures.
5G may be more concerning.
- Electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome, or EHS, includes a collection of non-specific symptoms such as tingling of the skin, fatigue, headaches and sleep disturbances from EMF and RFR exposures. While cancer or infertility may be a longer-term risk to exposure, EHS symptoms may appear more quickly. Read more about EHS here.
In 2011 the World Health Organization, WHO, declared cellphone radiation to be a possible carcinogen based on ongoing, longer-term epidemiological studies in humans.
Additional Risks For Children
Because of small body size and stage of growth and development, children and adolescents may be at a greater risk for harm from wireless radiation. Smaller bodies absorb more radiation, and the brain continues to develop into the early 20s.
Studies have found that RFR induces epigenetic effects impacting childhood development.
These include:
- Decreased memory
- Decreased cognition
- Decreased attention
- Learning difficulty
- Behavioral changes
These effects on childhood development may contribute to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADD and ADHD).
A 2021 study published in Environmental Health recommends stringent health-based exposure limits for both children and adults and urges our government to update safety standards set over 25 years ago, before cellphone use was so widespread.
Based on this study, the Environmental Working Group recommends radiation exposures for children should be “hundreds of times lower” than current U.S. federal guidelines set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Some changes are being made. France has banned cell phones in schools and San Francisco is considering the same, as examples.
The State of California has offered guidance about how to reduce personal radiation exposures, such as keeping the phone away from the body.
How To Reduce Wireless Radiation Exposures For The Whole Family
Here are some simple, yet effective, action steps to take and habits to build around cellphone and other wireless use:
1. Keep cell phones away from your body. Don’t carry your phone in your pants or shirt pocket, and if you do, make sure it is turned off or in airplane mode. Carrying your phone in a bag while out and keeping it on a surface away from your body while at home are good practices.
2. Keep your phone out of the bedroom at night. Same goes for other electronics. Reducing blue light at night will help to improve your sleep as a bonus.
3. Use your speakerphone. Instead of holding your phone to your head, use speakerphone mode or a wired headset. Be careful of Bluetooth headsets, however, that direct the radiation to your head. Wired headsets absorb some of the radiation.
4. Use laptops and tablets on a desk or stand instead of holding directly on your lap in order to reduce direct contact with the body.
5. Hardwire computers, instead of using wi-fi, where possible.
6. Keep your wi-fi modem out of bedrooms and other rooms where you spend a lot of time. Ideally, put it in the least used part of the house and away from kids’ rooms. Turn it off at night or when not in use.
7. Use a radiation-blocking cell phone case – I like Safesleeve cases.
8. Set boundaries around screen time for yourself and your family. This may look different for each family and situation, but less screen time means more time for connection, play, movement and fun. Perhaps start with no screens around the dinner table and set a screen curfew at least an hour or two before bedtime.
9. Unplug. Schedule regular digital detox time. Perhaps one day a week or one weekend per month, you fast from wireless devices. Instead, spend time in nature and reap the benefits of its healing and beneficial impact on the nervous system.
10. Practice precaution. Remember that 2G, 3G and 4G are in place and health impacts, especially long-term ones, aren’t fully understood. 5G is a completely untested radio frequency on human health. Proceed with caution.
11. Focus on health behaviors to protect the body. Increasing antioxidants in the diet and through supplementation help to protect your cells from damage caused by RHR and other environmental toxins.
Getting enough sleep, moving your body, supporting detoxification and reducing toxin exposures are all important foundational pieces of wellness.
While cellphones aren’t going away any time soon and wireless networks will only continue to expand, there is a lot that we can do in terms of our personal relationship with technology to help minimize risks.
These are especially important strategies for our children to grow up with so they have healthful behaviors and boundaries into their future.
- https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/mobile/
- https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news/six-questions-about-cellphone-radiation-and-your-health
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6469375/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6240172/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6685799/
- https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/whatwestudy/topics/cellphones/index.html
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28504324/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31463749/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8286570/
- https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news-release/2021/07/study-wireless-radiation-exposure-children-should-be-hundreds